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Hello Photocromic Inks..........

Photocromic inks can be applied to any surface including textiles as you can see in the demonstrated the inks react to direct sunlight. What a fantastic idea!!

Thinking about how this can be used to engage with children with autism really gets me excited. Initially, I thought I would develop a surface design that was 3D using photoscopic glasses, but this technology has not evolved much since the 1980's and on reflection this was not a good idea. Who want to carry a pair of glasses around all day, when loosing things with autistic children is a nightmare...........

Using surface design as a distraction has become a slight obsession of mine over the duration of my MA. Therefore, embedding an interactive element into surface design, that autistic children can enjoy is the key ideas at present. Researching these inks is the next step and checking out what is on the market. The application of these inks; silk screen printing, will also need researching due to the limitations in fabric printing labs at the university.

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